The project is community supported and not supported by Axway Support. If you encounter any issues, please raise an GitHub issue for this project. |
The project is in an early phase and not used in production yet. Please use the project for testing only. |
1. Introduction
1.1. About YAML-ES Utilities
YAML-ES Utilities provide the features to verify a YAML based policy project according to defined rules (linting), and to configure the policy project for target environments.
The utilities of this project can be used to build a CI/CD pipeline for automatic configuration and deployment of YAML Entity Store based projects (see YAML Entity Store for details).
1.2. Use Cases
The uses cases, described in this section, are just examples to illustrate the opportunities of the YAML-ES Utilities. They only give some ideas to build your own deployment pipeline.
1.2.1. Classic Topology Deployment
The picture above visualize an example CI/CD pipeline. The YAML-ES Utilities tool provided by this project is used for linting and for the configuration of the stage specific project. To verify the configured project and to deploy the configured project to a gateway, the standard tools of the AMPLIFY API Gateway 7.7 distribution are used.
Configurations with shared responsibility or staged dependent values are environmentalized. A linter checks the project against coding rules (defined by the Ops team) to ensure that all required fields are environmentalized and all required entities exists.
With stage specific configurations (including certificates), a stage specific project is created.
Configuration parameter are sourced from multiple locations. Configurations are retrieved from plain text files stored in the Git repository or from encrypted data sources. Each team has its own set of configuration parameter (depending on their responsibility). Hierarchies of configurations ensures that values configured the Ops team supersede values defined by the Dev team.
The generated, stage specific project is verified for not configured fields or broken references.
After successful verification the project will be deployed to the target environment. During to protect the configurations on the server, a passphrase is added during the deployment.
1.2.2. Container Deployment (Policy Image)
1.2.3. Container Deployment (Init Container)
1.3. YAML Entity Store
In newer versions of the API Gateway, policies can be stored as a YAML Entity Store (YAML-ES) instead of the classic XML based entity store (XML-ES). With the YAML-ES, the entities are stored in YAML files in a directory structure similar to the structure of the Policy Studio project.
├── APIs
├── Environment\ Configuration
├── External\ Connections
├── Policies
├── Resources
├── Server\ Settings
│ ├── ...
│ ├── Cassandra\ Settings.yaml
├── System
└── values.yaml
Within the folders, entities are stored in files within the following schema (see also YAML Schema):
type: string (1)
field: (2)
fieldName: value1
- item
- item
children: (3)
- type: string (4)
1 | Type name of the entity |
2 | Fields of entity as name/value pair(s) |
3 | Optional list of children entities. |
4 | Type of the children entity |
Below is an example of the Cassandra settings entity in the YAML format.
type: CassandraSettings (1)
fields: (2)
name: Cassandra Settings
replication: '{{Server_Settings.Cassandra_Settings.replication}}' (3)
replicationStrategy: '{{Server_Settings.Cassandra_Settings.replicationStrategy}}'
username: '{{Server_Settings.Cassandra_Settings.username}}'
password: '{{Server_Settings.Cassandra_Settings.password}}'
children: (4)
- type: CassandraServer
name: Node 1
host: ${env.cassandra.node1}
1 | Type CassandraSettings indicates the configuration of the Cassandra database. |
2 | Fields to configure the Cassandra database and keyspace. |
3 | Environmentalized field. |
4 | Children entities for each configured Cassandra node. |
Within the Cassandra settings some fields are environmentalized.
The double brackets {{ }}
indicate an environmentalized field, where the value within the brackets reference the corresponding value within the values.yaml
file of the project.
The reference is a JSON Path expression, where the parent and child nodes are separated by a single dot.
replicationStrategy: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy
replication: 1
throttlingReplicationStrategy: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy
throttlingReplication: 1
throttlingReadConsistencyLevel: ONE
throttlingWriteConsistencyLevel: ONE
username: ""
password: "" (1)
useSSL: "false"
1 | Cassandra password is referenced by {{Server_Settings.Cassandra_Settings.password}} within the Cassandra settings. |
2. Usage
2.1. General Usage
YAML-ES Utilities provides a built-in help for all its commands.
The help message can be displayed with the help
command or with the option --help
or -h
. help Usage: yamlesutils [-hqVv] [-a=FILE] [COMMAND] YAML Entity Store Utilities -a, --audit=FILE Audit file. -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -q, --quiet Disable log message to the console. -v, --verbose Increase logging verbosity. -V, --version Print version information and exit. Commands: help Display help information about the specified command. merge Merge configuration from various sources. lint Lint YAML entity store. config Configure YAML-ES. Combines the 'lint', 'merge config' and 'merge certs' commands. eval Evalulates a template expression.
There are some global options, which are available for all commands. These options have to be specified before the command. -q \ (1)
merge config -c fragment.yaml -o values.yaml (2)
1 | Global options are placed before the command. |
2 | Command to be executed. |
Option | Description |
Path to a file to audit the various sources and functions used to merge the configuration fragments.
If not specified, the audit messages are written to |
Suppress audit messages to be logged to the console. Only errors are logged to the console. |
Increase verbosity of standard messages. Specify multiple -v options to increase verbosity. |
2.2. Linting
The tool can be used to check the project against coding guidelines. The coding guidelines are represented by rules defined in a set of YAML files.
2.2.1. Command
The lint
command of yamlesutils
is used to verify the project.
yamlesutils lint --project=DIR -r=FILE [-r=FILE]...
The command requires the path to the project directory and a list of files containing rules.
$ lint --project=src/apim --rules=rules/db.yaml --rules=rules/cassandra.yaml
2.2.2. Rules
The rules are defined in YAML files, having the following structure:
rules: (1)
"rule_id": (2)
# Description of the rule
name: "Rule Name" (3)
description: "Additional description (optional)"
# Files to be checked by the rules
fileType: ...type of the project file...
- '...array or search patterns for files...'
# Assertions applied to the file
- '...array of assertions...'
1 | Container for rules. |
2 | Each rule has its unique ID within the rules container. |
3 | Mandatory name of the rule. |
An assertion checks a property in t
Property | Description | Mandatory |
path |
JSON path to the property of the YAML file to be checked |
yes |
type |
Type of the assertion (see table below). |
yes |
param |
Parameters to be passed to the |
no |
message |
Message to be displayed in case of the failed assertion. |
no |
Assertion | Description and Example |
environmentalized |
Check if the field is environmentalized
exists |
Check the existence of a property in the YAML file.
not_exists |
Ensure that property doesn’t exist in the YAML file.
regex |
Check the content of property against a regular expression.
Cassandra Nodes and KPS Tables
The following example checks the configuration of the Cassandra database and the KPS tables using Cassandra as data source.
In this example it is assumed that exactly three Cassandra nodes must be configured.
To enable database center specific Cassandra nodes, the node must be retrieved from the envSettings.props
of the gateway instance.
To support stage specific configurations, the following settings must be environmentalized:
Credentials for Cassandra connection
TLS security switch
Replication strategy and replication factor (KPS tables and throttling)
Read/write consistency level (KPS tables and throttling)
# Cassandra Settings
"cassandra_settings": (1)
name: Cassandra Nodes
description: Check Cassandra nodes
fileType: CassandraSettings (2)
- '/Server Settings/Cassandra Settings.yaml'
# Three nodes should be configured to ensure quorum.
- path: '$.children[0]'
type: exists
message: Three Cassandra nodes must be configured to ensure quorum
- path: '$.children[1]'
type: exists
message: Three Cassandra nodes must be configured to ensure quorum
- path: '$.children[2]'
type: exists
message: Three Cassandra nodes must be configured to ensure quorum
- path: '$.children[3]'
type: not_exists
message: Only three Cassandra nodes must be configured to ensure quorum
# Cassandra nodes should be configured by envSettings.props to support
# datacenter aware node connections.
- path: '$.children[0]'
type: regex
param: '^\$\{env\..+\}'
message: Cassandra nodes must be configured via envSettings.props
- path: '$.children[1]'
type: regex
param: '^\$\{env\..+\}'
message: Cassandra nodes must be configured via envSettings.props
- path: '$.children[2]'
type: regex
param: '^\$\{env\..+\}'
message: Cassandra nodes must be configured via envSettings.props
# Credentials must be environmentalized
- path: '$.fields.username'
type: environmentalized
- path: '$.fields.password'
type: environmentalized
# SSL security must be environmentalized
- path: '$.fields.useSSL'
type: environmentalized
# Replication strategy and factors must be environmentalized
- path: '$.fields.replication'
type: environmentalized
- path: '$.fields.replicationStrategy'
type: environmentalized
- path: '$.fields.throttlingReplication'
type: environmentalized
- path: '$.fields.throttlingReplication'
type: environmentalized
- path: '$.fields.throttlingReplicationStrategy'
type: environmentalized
# Consistency level for throttling must be environmentalized
- path: '$.fields.throttlingReadConsistencyLevel'
type: environmentalized
- path: '$.fields.throttlingWriteConsistencyLevel'
type: environmentalized
# Cassandra for KPS Data Sources
"kps_data_source": (3)
name: KPS Data Source
description: Check data source for KPS tables
fileType: KPSCassandraDataSource (4)
- '/Environment Configuration/Key Property Stores/.*/.+\.yaml'
# Consistency levels must be environmentalized
- path: '$.fields.readConsistencyLevel'
type: environmentalized
- path: '$.fields.writeConsistencyLevel'
type: environmentalized
1 | ID of the rules for Cassandra settings. |
2 | Cassandra settings are stored in the entity /Server Settings/Cassandra Settings.yaml of type CassandraSettings . |
3 | ID of the rules for KPS data sources. |
4 | KPS settings for Cassandra data sources are stored in entities matching the file path /Environment Configuration/Key Property Stores/.*/.+\.yaml and which are of type KPSCassandraDataSource |
Database Connections
The following example checks the configuration of external database connections.
To enable stage specific configuration, the following fields of the database connections must be environmentalized:
Connection URL
User name
# Database connections must be environmentalized
"db_connections": (1)
name: DB Connection Environmentalization
description: Connection to databases are usually stage specific and Field must be environmentalized
fileType: DbConnection (2)
- '/External Connections/Database Connections/.*'
- path: '$.fields.username'
type: environmentalized
message: User for DB must be environmentalized
- path: '$.fields.password'
type: environmentalized
message: Password for DB must be environmentalized
- path: '$.fields.url'
type: environmentalized
message: DB connection URL must be environmentalized
1 | ID of the database connection rules. |
2 | Database connections are stored in entities under the /External Connections/Database Connections folder which are of type DbConnection . |
2.3. Evaluate Expression
For testing purpose or to generate values from various sources, an expression can be evaluated and the result is printed to stdout
2.3.1. Command
The eval
command of yamlesutils
is used to evaluate an expression.
yamlesutils eval [-l FILE]... <expression>
$ export NAME=World
$ eval "Hello {{ _env('NAME') }}!"
Hello World!
2.4. Merge Configuration Fragments
For the YAML entity store, environmentalized fields are configured in the values.yaml
file of the project directory.
To configure the project for other stages, the whole values.yaml
file has to be replaced by a file containing the new values.
Also, only static values are allowed.
If you want to split the configuration into multiple files, e.g. due to separate responsibility, or, if you want to retrieve values dynamically from other sources, the values.yaml
file has to be dynamically generated.
The YAML-ES utilities enables to merge a values.yaml
file from multiple fragments.
The order of the fragments is considered. If a field is provided by multiple fragments, the value of the latest fragment is used.
After all fragments are merged, the values of each field is evaluated as a Mustache template.
If the value contains expressions delimited by double curly brackets (e.g., {{ expression }}
), the block will be replaced by the result of the expression.
For example, expressions can be used to encode values as Base64 (required for encrypted fields), or to lookup values from external sources, etc.
Each value of the YAML properties is handled as a separate template. So it’s not possible to use templates outside or across properties. |
In the above example, the See Templates for more details about the evaluation of Mustache templates and the usage of lookup functions. |
To merge configuration fragments, use the merge config
command of YAML-ES Utilities.
yamlesutils merge [-m MODE] config [-f=FILE]... [-d=DIR]... [--lookup-functions=FILE]... (-o=FILE | [--project=DIR | --ignore-missing-values])
Option | Description |
Execution mode
Configuration fragment to be merged to the The parameter can be specified multiple times to merge multiple fragments. The fragments are processed in the order as specified on the command line. If a configuration parameter is configured by in multiple files, the last one wins. |
Directory to scan for YAML configuration fragments.
Each file within the directory having the extension |
Target file to write the merged YAML configuration.
If |
Path to the directory containing the YAML-ES project.
If the project path is specified the |
If a project directory is specified, the current Before writing the merged configuration, the merge command checks if all required fields are also provided by the merged configuration. On missing fields, the merge command stop with an error message. With this option, missing fields are ignored and the merge command continue processing. Missing or unused fields are just reported. |
YAML file to configure lookup functions. Multiple parameters can be specified to use multiple lookup configurations. |
2.4.1. Basic Examples
The following files, used for this example are also located in the examples/basic/config
There are two configuration fragments:
# Define some global defaults
message: "Hello World!"
enabled: true
# Overwrite some global defaults
message: "Bonjour le monde"
# Define local configurations
country: "fr"
name: "Application Extraordinaire"
To merge the fragments use the following command: merge config \ (1)
--fragment=fragments/global.yaml \ (2)
--fragment=fragment/local.yaml \ (3)
-o - (4)
1 | Command to merge configuration fragments |
2 | The global.yaml fragment |
3 | The local.yaml fragment, which overwrites values from the global.yaml . |
4 | Print the result to stdout |
This will generate the following YAML document:
message: "Bonjour le monde" (1)
enabled: true (2)
local: (3)
country: "fr"
name: "Application Extraordinaire"
1 | Overwritten by local.yaml . |
2 | Provided by global.yaml . |
3 | Completely provided by local.yaml . |
Now we want to add an additional fragment:
upn: "{{ _users('/users/admin/id') }}" (1)
name: "{{ _users('/users/admin/name') }}" (1)
pwd: "{{ _users('/users/admin/password') | base64encode }}" (2)
1 | Fields use Mustache templates to lookup values using the function _users() .
The parameter specifies the JSON Path to the property within the external JSON file (see below). |
2 | The lookup value will be additionally encoded as Base64. |
The fields contain Mustache templates, using a custom lookup function _users()
to retrieve values from an external source.
To use the custom function, a provider for this function must be defined.
In this case we want to retrieve the values from a JSON file users.json
"users": {
"admin": {
"id": "admin",
"name": "Administrator",
"password": "changeme"
The provider is defined in a separate file lookup-func.yaml
users: (1)
provider: json (2)
file: lookups/users.json (3)
1 | Defines the alias users for the lookup function configuration.
The corresponding lookup function is prefixed by an underscore _users() . |
2 | Use the JSON lookup provider to retrieve values from a JSON file. |
3 | Path to the JSON file.
If the path is not absolute, the path is relative to the directory containing the lookup function configuration file (directory of lookup-func.yaml ). |
To merge these fragments, an additional parameter --lookup-functions
must be specified to configure the required lookup function. merge config \ (1)
--lookup-functions=lookup-func.yaml \ (2)
-f fragments/global.yaml -f fragments/local.yaml -f fragments/users.yaml \ (3)
-o - (4)
1 | Command to merge configuration fragments. |
2 | Path to the lookup function configuration file. |
3 | The configuration fragments to be merged. |
4 | Print the result to stdout |
message: "Bonjour le monde"
enabled: true
country: "fr"
name: "Application Extraordinaire"
accounts: (1)
upn: "admin" (2)
name: "Administrator" (2)
pwd: "Y2hhbmdlbWU=" (3)
1 | The YAML document is similar to the previous result. Except the addition accounts object, provided by the users.yaml fragment. |
2 | The templates specified in the fragment are resolved and the values are looked up from the external JSON file. |
3 | The value is additionally Base64 encoded. |
2.5. Merge Certificates
For the YAML entity store, certificates and private keys are configured in the Environment Configuration/Certificate Store
directory of the project.
For each alias configured in the Policy Studio project a corresponding YAML file exists within this folder.
Without YAML-ES Utilities, the certificates have to managed manually via Policy Studio or by editing the files directly. This may be an error prone task, makes it difficult to keep the project independent from the target environment, and may cause to store credentials (e.g., private keys), in the Git repository by accident.
YAML-ES Utilities helps to retrieve certificates from various sources and to configure the certificates during deployment time of the API Gateway.
The configuration of certificates is organized by, so called, Certificate Configuration files. Each configuration defines certificate aliases and the according source to retrieve the certificate or private key.
Certificates are provided by, so called, Certificate Providers. For each alias a certificate provider must be defined and configured accordingly.
certificates: (1)
<alias-1>: (2)
provider: <provider> (3)
config: (4)
<provider configuration> (5)
1 | Indicator for certificate configuration. |
2 | Certificate alias. Certificates are referenced by the alias within the policy project. |
3 | Type of the source of the certificate (provider of the certificate). |
4 | Section to configure the provider. |
5 | Provider specific configuration to retrieve the certificate |
To configure the certificates of a project, the target project directory and a list of certificate configuration files must be specified (see help message below).
Some parameters support Mustache Templates to lookup or transform values.
If non built-in lookup functions are used, the lookup function have to be configured by a Lookup Function Configuration file which is specified by the --lookup-functions
yamlesutils merge [-m MODE] certs --project=DIR -c=FILE [-c=FILE]... [--lookup-functions=FILE]... [--expiration-warning=DAYS] [----expiration-error=DAYS] [--expiration-fail=DAYS]
Option | Description | ||
Execution mode
Certificates configuration file. The parameter can be specified multiple times to merge multiple certificate configurations. The configurations are processed in the order as specified on the command line. If an alias is defined by multiple files, the last one wins. |
Path to the directory containing the YAML-ES project.
If the certificate expires within the defined number of days, a warning message will be logged into the audit log. Set to |
If the certificate expires within the defined number of days, an error message will be logged into the audit log. Set to |
If the certificate expires within the defined number of days, the command fails. Set to |
YAML file to configure lookup functions. Multiple parameters can be specified to use multiple lookup configurations. |
2.5.1. Basic Example
In this example, a new public certificate has to be added to the project.
new-pub-cert: (1)
provider: simple (2)
config: (3)
1 | Alias of the new certificate within the policy project. |
2 | Certificate provider |
3 | Configuration of the certificate provider. Here, a simple PEM encoded public certificate, specified directly in the configuration file. |
The certificate can be add to the project, by using the following YAML-ES Utilities command.
# Copy project to temporary folder
mkdir -p ${TMP_PRJ}
cp -rt "${TMP_PRJ}" "${PRJ_SRC}/."
# Configure certificates merge certs \ (1)
--project=${TMP_PRJ} \ (2)
--config=certificates.yaml (3)
1 | Merge certificates. |
2 | Path to policy project. |
3 | Certificate configuration file. |
2.6. Merge Files
The lookup functions enable YAML-ES Utilities to retrieve values from various secret stores. With the merge files command this capability can be used to generate files for which the content is retrieved from the secret stores (e.g. for licence files).
The file generator is configured by a configuration file specified by the --files=FILE
With a preceeding optional --files-base-dir=DIR
parameter, the base directory for target files with a relativ path is specified.
Also the base directory for template files can be specified by the --files-base-dir-src
The tripple of --files-base-dir
, --files-base-dir-src
and --files
parameter can be specified multiple times. merge files [-hV] [-l=FILE]... ( [--files-base-dir=DIR][--files-base-dir-src=DIR] --files=FILE)... Generate files. --files=FILE Files generator configuration. --files-base-dir=DIR Base directory for generated files. --files-base-dir-src=DIR Base directory for source files. -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -l, --lookup-functions=FILE Configure lookup functions. -V, --version Print version information and exit. merge files \
--files-base-dir=/opt/Axway/apigateway \
- path: system/conf/advisorybanner.json (1)
encoding: UTF-8 (2)
content: | (3)
"bannerEnabled" : true,
"bannerText" : "{{ _env('STAGE') | escape(strategy='js') }}"
- path: /opt/Axway/README.txt (4)
encoding: ISO-8859-1
content: Hello World (5)
- path: /opt/Axway/test.bin
encoding: binary (6)
content: "{{ 'Hello World' | base64encode }}" (7)
- path: conf/adminUsers.json
encoding: UTF-8
template: /merge/config/adminUsers.json.tpl (8)
- path: /opt/Axway/apigateway/ext/custom/jvm.xml (9)
encoding: UTF-8
content: /merge/config/jvm.xml.tpl
createDirs: true (10)
- path: conf/README.txt
encoding: UTF-8
template: templates/README.txt.tpl (11)
1 | File to be generated.
Path is relative to the directory containing the files configuration file, or the directory specified by the --files-base-dir parameter. |
2 | Encoding used to write the file content. |
3 | Inline template. |
4 | File to be generated. Absolute file path. |
5 | Inline file content. |
6 | Binary file. |
7 | For binary files, content must be a Base64 encoded value. |
8 | File containing a template (Pebble Engine - see example below). |
9 | Target file is located in a non-existing directory. |
10 | Automatically create non-existing directories. |
11 | File containing a template.
Path is relative to the directory containing the files configuration file, or the directory specified by the --files-base-dir-src parameter. |
"adminUserCredentials" : {
"user-1" : {
"passwordHistory" : [ "{{ _gen_anm_pwd_hash(_env('ANM_ADMIN_PASSWORD')) }}" ],
"passwordTimestamp" : 1709227593453
2.7. Configure YAML Entity Store
The config
command combines the features of the lint
, merge certs
and merge config
commands into one single command.
yamlesutils config [-m MODE] --project=DIR [-r RULE]... [-f FILE]... [--lookup-functions=FILE]... (-o=FILE | [--project=DIR | --ignore-missing-values])
Option | Description | ||
Path to the directory containing the YAML-ES project. |
Execution mode
YAML file to configure lookup functions. Multiple parameters can be specified to use multiple lookup configurations. |
Path to file containing linting rules. Multiple files are allowed. If missing, the linting feature is not executed. |
Configuration fragment to be merged to the The parameter can be specified multiple times to merge multiple fragments. The fragments are processed in the order as specified on the command line. If a configuration parameter is configured in multiple files, the last one wins. If the parameter is missing, the |
If a project directory is specified, the current Before writing the merged configuration, the merge command checks if all required fields are also provided by the merged configuration. On missing fields, the merge command stop with an error message. With this option, missing fields are ignored and the merge command continue processing. Missing or unused fields are just reported. |
Certificates configuration file. The parameter can be specified multiple times to merge multiple certificate configurations. If missing, no certificates will be configured. The configurations are processed in the order as specified on the command line. If an alias is defined by in multiple files, the last one wins.
If the certificate expires within the defined number of days, a warning message will be logged into the audit log. Set to |
If the certificate expires within the defined number of days, an error message will be logged into the audit log. Set to |
If the certificate expires within the defined number of days, the command fails. Set to |
2.8. Built-In Documentation
YAML-ES Utilities provides a built-in documentation of the certificate providers, lookup providers, and the available lookup functions. merge describe help Usage: yamlesutils merge describe [-hV] [COMMAND] Describe features of the YAML-ES Utilities used for merging. -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -V, --version Print version information and exit. Commands: lookup-providers Describe the available lookup providers. cert-providers Describe the available certificate providers. functions Describe available functions. help Display help information about the specified command.
2.8.1. Lookup & Certificate Providers
To get an overview of the certificate and lookup providers, invoke one of the following commands: merge describe cert-providers merge describe lookup-providers
To show the full description, use the --full
option. merge describe cert-providers --full merge describe lookup-providers --full
2.8.2. Lookup Functions
To view the available built-in lookup functions, use the following command: merge describe functions Available Lookup Functions _env [env+] Lookup values from environment variables. Lookup Function Arguments: key: name of environment variable _sys [sys+] Lookup values from system properties. Lookup Function Arguments: key: name of system property + built-in lookup providers
To show all functions which are available for the merge commands, specify the same --lookup-functions
options as for the merge commands. merge describe functions --lookup-functions=lookup-func.yaml
3. Templates
3.1. Mustache Templates
The values of configuration fragments are treated as Mustache templates.
After all configuration fragments are merged, the values will be evaluated by a template engine.
Values containing {{ … }}
statements are handled as templates, and are processed by the built-in template engine, before the resulting values.yaml
file is written.
The name Mustache is derived from the used { characters, which resemble a sideways moustache.
YAML-ES Utilities use Pebble Templates as the internal template engine. All functions provided by this engine can also be used within the Mustache templates. Additionally to the functions provided by the template engine, custom lookup functions can be defined to lookup values from external sources.
Please consult the Pebble documentation for the syntax of templates and the capabilities provided by Pebble.
Each value of the configuration fragments or configuration parameters, are handled as a separate template. So it’s not possible to use templates outside or across properties. Invalid Configuration Fragment
For the Pebble Templates engine a CVE-2022-37767 exists. According to the CVE any arbitrary Java method can be invoked by the templates. The Pebble Templates engine within YAML-ES Utilities is configured to prevent the call of Java method. No Java method can be called within the templates. So, the example below will throw an exception.
Therefore, YAML-ES Utilities is not vulnerable by CVE-2022-37767. As reported CVEs may be an issue in the context of an enterprise, even if the tool is not affected, the Pebble Templates engine may be replaced in the future. |
3.2. Lookup Functions
Lookup functions can be used inside Mustache Templates, and are used to retrieve values from external sources. To avoid any conflict with Pebble functions, all lookup function names start with an underscore.
Arguments are passed as positional or named arguments. For positional arguments, the arguments must match the documented/expected order of the lookup function arguments. For named arguments, the order of the arguments doesn’t matter.
{{ _function(key="test", option="opt") }}
{{ _function("test", "opt") }}
Lookup functions are implemented by, so called, Lookup Providers.
Built-in lookup functions are available without any additional configuration. The name of the built-in lookup function is fixed and defined by the Lookup Provider implementing the function.
For example, the Core plugin provides the following built-in lookup functions:
: Lookup values from an environment variable. -
: Lookup values from system properties.
Other lookup functions can be dynamically configured via lookup function configuration files. Within these files, aliases for the lookup sources are defined. The lookup sources are configured via a parameterized lookup provider (see Plugins for a list of lookup providers implemented by the according plugin). For each alias a lookup function will be registered. The name of the function is derived from the alias name by adding an underscore.
Aliases must be unique over all function configurations.
As the env
and sys
alias is already used by the built-in functions, these aliases are not allowed for custom lookup functions.
lookups: (1)
dev_kdb: (2)
provider: keepass (3)
config: (4)
kdb: "../all/lookups/devs-secrets.kdbx" (5)
passphrase: "{{ _env('ENV_KDB_PASSPHRASE') }}" (6)
1 | Root object for lookup definitions. |
2 | Alias of the lookup function.
The name of lookup function is prefixed with a _ (e.g. _dev_kdb ).
Aliases must be unique within all applied lookup provider configurations. |
3 | Lookup provider used by the function. |
4 | Configuration parameters for the lookup provider. |
5 | Fixed configuration parameter. |
6 | Configuration parameters retrieved via lookup function (only built-in functions supported). |
The YAML-ES Utilities provide list of available lookup functions with the following command. To list all functions as used for the merge command, the lookup function configuration files can be specified in the same way as for the merge command. If the missing, only the built-in functions are listed.
4. Plugins
Plugins are used to extend the features of the YAML-ES Utilities by providing Lookup- or Certificate Providers.
A plugin is a single JAR file containing the classes plugin implementation, and all of its dependencies. To prevent conflicts with different versions of dependent JARs, each plugin has its own class loader.
Are located in the plugins
folder and are automatically loaded on startup of the YAML-ES Utilities.
To save the disk space, unused plugins can be removed from the folder. Also, custom developed plugins can be copied to the folder and are loaded automatically. |
The following sections document the available plugins and their provided Lookup- and Certificate Providers.
4.1. Core
4.1.1. Lookup Providers
Lookup values are provided by, so called, Lookup Providers. An instance of a Lookup Provider is configured for specific sources to provide a lookup function.
To get a list of all available Lookup Providers and their documentation, use the following describe command:
Some lookup provider configurations require a path to a file. If the path represents a relative path, it is relative to the location of the lookup function definition file.
Environment Variables (built-in)
Name |
Built-In |
yes |
Synopsis |
Retrieves value from an environment variable. |
Configuration Parameters |
not required |
Lookup Function Arguments |
Name of environment variable. |
This built-in lookup provider retrieves values from environment variables.
It is used by the built-in lookup function _env
Configuration of this lookup provider is not required.
The lookup function requires a single key parameter which represents the name of the environment variable containing the value.
{{ _env("MY_SECRET") }} (1)
1 | Retrieves the value from the environment variable MY_SECRET . |
System Properties (built-in)
Name |
Built-In |
yes |
Synopsis |
Retrieves value from a system property. |
Configuration Parameters |
not required |
Lookup Function Arguments |
Name of system property. |
This built-in lookup provider retrieves values from system properties passed to the YAML-ES Utilities.
It is used by the built-in lookup function _sys
Configuration of this lookup provider is not required.
The lookup function requires a single key parameter which represents the name of the system property containing the value.
{{ _sys("my.secret") }} (1)
1 | Retrieves the value from the system property my.secret . |
Admin Node Manager Password Hash (built-in)
Name |
Built-In |
yes |
Synopsis |
Generates a hashed password for the Admin Node Manager. |
Configuration Parameters |
not required |
Lookup Function Arguments |
Clear text password. |
This built-in lookup provider generates a hashed password, which can be used for the Admin Node Manager inside the adminUsers.json
configuration file.
This provider is used by the built-in lookup function _gen_anm_pwd_hash
Configuration of this lookup provider is not required.
The lookup function requires a single key parameter which represents the clear text password to be hashed. The password can also be retrived by calling a nested lookup function.
{{ _gen_anm_pwd_hash("change") }} (1)
{{ _gen_anm_pwd_hash(_env("ADMIN_PASSWORD")) }} (2)
1 | Generates a hased password from a clear text password. |
2 | Generates a hased password from the value of the ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variable. |
JSON from Environment Variables
Name |
Built-In |
no |
Synopsis |
Retrieves values from a JSON document, stored in an environment variable. |
Configuration Parameters |
Name of the environment variable storing the JSON document. |
Lookup Function Arguments |
JSON Pointer to key node (see RFC 6901). |
Retrieves values from a JSON document, which is stored within an environment variable. The name of the environment variable containing the JSON document is configured by the alias in the lookup functions configuration.
The according lookup function requires a key parameter which points to the value node within the JSON document.
This feature can be used to pass the JSON output of a tool as a lookup source to the YAML-ES Utilities.
This example uses a script to generate lookup values, and use them within a configuration template.
cat <<EOF
"accounts": {
"db": {
"user": "admin",
"password": "changeme"
accounts: (1)
provider: envjson (2)
env: ACCOUNTS (3)
1 | Define alias for the configured lookup functions.
The name of the functions will be _accounts (alias prefixed with underscore). |
2 | Use this lookup provider. |
3 | Retrieve the JSON document from the environment variable ACCOUNTS . |
user: "{{ _accounts('/accounts/db/user') }}" (1)
pwd: "{{ _accounts('/accounts/db/password') }}" (2)
1 | Lookup user name from JSON document by JSON Pointer. |
2 | Lookup password from JSON document by JSON Pointer. |
ACCOUNTS=$(./ (1) merge config \ (2)
--lookup-functions=lookup-func.yaml \ (3)
--config=config.yaml \ (4)
--output=- (5)
1 | Generate JSON document with lookup values and store it in the environment variable ACCOUNTS . |
2 | Create a configuration. |
3 | Lookup function definitions. |
4 | Configuration fragment. |
5 | Print result to stdout . |
user: admin
password: changeme
Name |
Built-In |
no |
Synopsis |
Retrieves values from a JSON/YAML file. |
Configuration Parameters |
Path to the JSON/YAML file containing lookup values. |
Lookup Function Arguments |
JSON Pointer to key node (see RFC 6901). |
In this example there is a JSON and a YAML file containing lookup values.
"accounts": {
"db": {
"user": "admin",
"password": "changeme"
email: ""
password: "changeme"
Lookup functions are configured to retrieve values from these files.
provider: json
file: accounts.json
provider: yaml
file: accounts.yaml
A configuration fragment uses the lookup functions to retrieve the configuration values from the according files.
user: "{{ _accounts_json('/accounts/db/user') }}"
pwd: "{{ _accounts_json('/accounts/db/password') }}"
user: "{{ _accounts_yaml('/accounts/smtpd/user') }}"
pwd: "{{ _accounts_yaml('/accounts/smtpd/password') }}"
YAML-ES Utilities is used to create a final configuration. merge config \
--lookup-functions=lookup-func.yaml \
--config=config.yaml \
user: admin
pwd: changeme
pwd: changeme
File Content
Name |
Built-In |
no |
Synopsis |
Retrieves the content of a file as a string. For binary content ( |
Configuration Parameters |
Base directory for relative files. If missing, the directory containing the lookup definition file is used. |
Lookup Function Arguments |
File path. |
Character encoding of the content.
If missing, For binary content, use |
In this example there is a file containing a greeting message.
Hello World!
Lookup function is configured to retrieve values from file content.
provider: file
base: "/opt/text"
A configuration fragment uses the lookup function to retrieve the content of the greeting.txt
greeting: "{{ _contents('greeting.txt') }}" (1)
1 | As the file path is not absolute, the path is relative to the specified base path.
So the final path is /opt/text/greeting.txt . |
4.1.2. Certificate Providers
The purpose of a certificate provider is to retrieve certificates or private keys from external sources. Various providers exists to support various certificate sources.
To get a list of all available Certificate Providers and their documentation, use the following describe command:
Some lookup provider configurations require a path to a file. If the path represents a relative path, it is relative to the location of the certificate configuration file.
Name |
Synopsis |
Provides certificates directly from configuration file. |
Configuration Parameters |
PEM encoded certificate (single line). This parameter supports a Mustache template, to lookup the certificates via lookup functions. |
Optional PEM encoded private key (single line). This parameter supports a Mustache template, to lookup the certificates via lookup functions. |
provider: simple
cert: "MIID...uB" (1)
provider: simple
cert: "MIIDt...xdI=" (2)
key: "MIIEv...CL+X"
1 | Public certificate |
2 | Server certificate including private key. |
In combination with a lookup function, the simple
provider can also be used to retrieve certificates from a KeePass DB or AWS Secrets Manager.
Certificate File
Name |
Synopsis |
Provides a certificate from a DER or PEM encoded certificate file. |
Configuration Parameters |
Path to certificate file. If a relative path is specified, the path is relative to the location of the Certificate Configuration file. |
provider: file
path: "certs/root-ca.crt"
Name |
Synopsis |
Provides certificates from a keystore file (PKCS#12 or JKS). |
Configuration Parameters |
Path to the keystore file. If a relative path is specified, the path is relative to the location of the Certificate Configuration file. |
Base64 encoded keystore. This parameter supports a Mustache template, to retrieve the encoded keystore data via lookup functions.
Optional passphrase to access the keystore. This parameter supports a Mustache template, to lookup the certificates via lookup functions. |
Optional regular expression, to select certificates within the keystore by their alias. If not specified, the target alias of the entity store certificate is used. To select all certificates from the keystore, the regular expression |
If |
Type of the keystore. If not specified, `PKCS12`is assumed.
Set to |
provider: keystore
path: keystore.p12 (1)
pass: "{{ _kdb('/Test/Sever Certificate', 'password') }}" (2)
alias: server (3)
chain: true (4)
1 | Path to the keystore.
As the extension is .p12 the keystore is assumed to be in the PKCS#12 format. |
2 | The passphrase for the keystore is retrieved from a lookup function. |
3 | Alias of the certificate within the keystore. |
4 | Add certificates of associated certificate authority.
The alias for chain certificates is based on the target alias, attached by the postfix _chain_<index> where <index> is an increasing number.
The root certificate of the chain has the index 0 (e.g. example-server_chain_0 ). |
trust: (1)
provider: keystore
path: keystore.p12
pass: "{{ _kdb('/Test/Sever Certificate', 'password') }}"
alias: ".*" (2)
nokey: true (3)
1 | Use trust prefix for alias in YAML-ES.
Alias is generated by the prefix and an attached index (e.g. trust_0 , trust_1 , …) |
2 | Get all certificates from the keystore. |
3 | Don’t get private keys; certificates only. |
Name |
Synopsis |
Removes a certificates from the policy project. |
Configuration Parameters |
not required |
The is not really a certificate provider. Instead it removes certificates from the policy project. The certificates are specified by their alias.
acme: (1)
provider: remover
1 | Alias of the certificate within the policy project. |
4.2. KeePass Database
4.2.1. Lookup Providers
KeePass DB
KeePass is a popular password manager using a single encrypted file as a database. It can be used to securely store credentials, configurations and files.
Name |
Built-In |
no |
Synopsis |
Retrieves values from a KeePass database. |
Configuration Parameters |
Path to the KeePass DB file. |
Passphrase for KeePass DB. This parameter supports a Mustache template, using built-in lookup functions. |
Optional path to the master key file. |
Lookup Function Arguments |
Path to the entry within the DB. |
Field to be retreived form the entry. Following values are allowed:
Optional name of property (for fields supporting properties). |
To use the Keepass DB, an according lookup function has to be defined.
provider: keepass
kdb: keepass.kdbx (1)
passphrase: "{{ _env('PASSPHRASE') }}" (2)
1 | Keepass DB file is located relative to the lookup-func.yaml file. |
2 | The passphrase parameter supports built-in lookup functions. |
Use the lookup function _kdb
to retrieve the values from the entry.
user: "{{ _kdb('/General/generic-user-general', 'user') }}" (1)
pwd: "{{ _kdb('/General/generic-user-general', 'password') }}"
url: "{{ _kdb('/General/generic-user-general', 'url') }}"
user: "{{ _kdb('/General/generic-user-general', 'user') }}"
field: "{{ _kdb('/General/generic-user-general', 'prop', 'field') }}"
content: "{{ _kdb('/General/generic-user-general', 'binB64', 'text.txt') }}" (2)
1 | Retrieves the user name from the entry generic-user-general within the General group. |
2 | Retrieves the content of the text.txt attachment as an Base64 encoded string. |
4.2.2. Certificate Providers
Currently this plugin doesn’t provide any certificate providers.
Certificates stored in a KeePass database can be retrieved by one of the certificate provides of the Core plugin and the lookup functions provided by this KeePass plugin.
4.3. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
This plugin retrieves lookup values and certificates from AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Certificate Manager.
It uses the AWS SDK to access the services. Therefore the default credentials chain used by the SDK are also used by the providers of this plugin.
On systems directly running on EC2 instances, IAM roles can be used to authorize the service access, without specifying any credentials. For systems running on AWS EKS, a K8s service account can be bound to an IAM role to enable the access to the services without using additional credentials.
Using environment variables (AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
), system properties (aws.accessKeyId
, aws.secretAccessKey
), or configuration file, are also supported.
4.3.1. Lookup Providers
This lookup providers of this plugin, retrieve the values form the AWS Secrets Manager.
The functions support structured secrets (e.g. key/values) or plain secrets (text/binary).
JSON Document Secrets
For secrets containing a JSON document, e.g. key/value pair, this lookup provider supports to read specific keys from the secret.
Name |
Built-In |
no |
Synopsis |
Retrieves values from JSON secrets on AWS Secrets Manager. |
Configuration Parameters |
Name of the secret. |
Optional region where the secret is located. If not specified, the default region is used. |
Lookup Function Arguments |
Secret key as JSON Pointer (e.g., |
In this example the secret sandbox/anm
is stored in AWS Secrets Manager. The secret is stored using key/value pairs.
The secret has two secret keys (user
and password
In plaintext the secret is represented as a JSON document, storing the values with the secret key as property name.
provider: aws_sm_json
secret_name: sandbox/anm
user: "{{ _anm('/user') }}"
pwd: "{{ _anm('/password') }}"
The secret is not limited to key/value pair. Any kind of JSON document is supported by this lookup provider. |
Plaintext/Binary Secrets
Name |
Built-In |
no |
Synopsis |
Retrieves value from plain text or binary secret on AWS Secrets Manager. The values of binary secrets are represented as Bas64 encoded strings. |
Configuration Parameters |
Prefix to be be added before every secret name (see |
Optional region where the secret is located. If not specified, the default region is used. |
Lookup Function Arguments |
Secret name. The resulting secret name is build by the concatenation of |
In this example the secret sandbox/certs/root-ca
is stored in AWS Secrets Manager. The secret is supposed to contain a public root CA certificate in PEM format.
The PEM certificate is stored as plaintext.
A lookup function is defined to lookup certificates from secrets prefixed with sandbox/certs
provider: aws_sm_plain
region: "us-west-1"
prefix: "sandbox/certs"
The lookup function can be used in simple certificate providers.
provider: simple
cert: "{{ _certs('/root-ca') }}"
4.3.2. Certificate Providers
AWS Certificate Manager
Name |
Synopsis |
Provides certificates from the AWS Certificate Manager. |
Configuration Parameters |
ARN of the certificate stored in the AWS Certificate Manager. |
Set to |
In this example, the public certificate of CA, issued the Cassandra cluster certificate, is stored in the policy project under the alias cassandra-ca
For deployment, the certificate must be replaced by the public certificate stored in AWS Certificate Manager.
The full certificate chain, has to be imported also.
provider: aws_cm
arn: "arn:aws:acm:us-west-1:000000000000:certificate/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
chain: true
4.4. Hashicorp Vault
4.4.1. Lookup Providers
Key/Value Store
Name |
Built-In |
no |
Synopsis |
Retrieves values from a Hashicorp Vault key/value store. |
Configuration Parameters |
Token to authorize access to Vault.
It is required if the This parameter supports a Mustache template, using built-in lookup functions. |
Path to token file.
It is required if the |
Address of the Vault server.
If not specified, the default |
Path to the KV secret engine (within Vault). |
Lookup Function Arguments |
Path to KV (within the secret engine). |
Field within the KV data. |
4.4.2. Certificate Providers
Currently this plugin doesn’t provide any certificate providers.
5. FAQ
5.1. Security
5.1.1. There is a CVE-2022-37767 for Pebble Templates, is YAML-ES Utilities affected?
According to CVE-2022-37767 any Java method could be executed by a Pebble template.
In the example below, the toString()
method of the String object can be invoked within a Pebble template.
{% set value=\"Hello\".toString() %}{{ value }}
The Pebble Templates engine within the YAML-ES Utilities is configured to reject the invocation of a any Java method. Therefore, the example above will throw an exception.
So, YAML-ES Utilities is not affected by CVE-2022-37767.
5.2. Usage
5.2.1. How do I add values with YAML style configuration to values.yaml
Within the values.yaml
file of the YAML entity store, several options exists to configure the API Gateway at runtime.
The YAML style options also uses the {{ … }}
syntax, which is the same syntax as for the Mustache templates used by YAML-ES Utilities.
If values in the configuration fragments, uses values in the YAML style, they are treated as Mustache templates and will be lead to a syntax error or will be replaced.
To force the output of the YAML style, the values must be specified as Mustache template having a string literal.
password: '{{ "{{env ACCOUNT_PASSWORD }}" }}'
password: {{env ACCOUNT_PASSWORD }}
5.3. Contribution
5.3.1. I found a bug, what shall I do?
If you find a bug, don’t hesitate to open an issue on the GitHub project page. I’ll try to help you as soon as possible.
Please remember, it is a community project. The plugin isn’t officially supported by Axway. So, please don’t open a case in the Axway support portal. |
5.3.2. I have a great idea to improve the plugin, what shall I do?
Feedback is always appreciated. So open an issue on the GitHub project and describe your ideas.
5.4. Documentation
5.4.1. What about the .adoc
The documentation is written in Asciidoc.
So we use the extension .adoc
for documentation files.
5.4.2. How can I read the documentation of the cloned repository in a nice format?
There is an Asciidoctor.js extension for Chrome to view Asciidoc files in a beautiful format.
5.4.3. How do I get the documentation in PDF format?
Asciidoctor provides some tools to render Asciidoc sources into various output formats. Asciidoctor PDF can be used to convert the documentation into a well layouted PDF document. Follow the instructions on the the home page to install the tool.
To generate the PDF execute the following command in the root project folder:
$ asciidoctor-pdf -a pdf-themesdir=docs/pdf-themes -a pdf-theme=axway docs/asciidoc/user-guide.adoc -d book -o user-guide.pdf
A: Appendix
A.1. Plugins Development Guide
A.2. Example CI/CD Pipeline
A.2.1. Description
The examples
folder contains an example script to simulate a CI/CD pipeline (except the final deployment).
The sample project is an API Manager stored in the YAML entity store format (examples/apim
The API Manager project uses environmentalized fields to enable stage specific configurations.
In this scenario there a two teams. The developers are responsible to develop the API Manager and to deploy the project for testing purpose in their own topology. The operator team is responsible to deploy the project to their topology (for test and prod). Both teams use the same tooling and an equivalent pipeline setup.
The difference between the two teams are the different responsibilities for configurations. For the developer topology, the developer team is fully responsible for all configurations as the infrastructure is completely managed by the developer team.
For the topology managed by the operator team, the development team is responsible for configurations regarding the backend infrastructure. The operator team is responsible for the configurations regarding the infrastructure managed by the operator team. This includes server certificates, Cassandra settings and connections to the metrics database.
The configuration can be retrieved from various sources, depending on the target environment.
To ensure that coding guidelines are fulfilled, the project is linted with rules provided by the operator team.
The example project is also used to demonstrate the usage of the different data sources, the full variation of the data sources may not makes sense for real projects. Following data sources are covered by the demo:
structure from multiple fragmentvalues.yaml
Java Keystore (JKS)
PKCS#12 file
simple configuration
Providers for value lookups
YAML file
JSON file
KeePass DB
plain text from environment variable
JSON document from environment variable
A.2.2. Prerequisites
Axway API Gateway 7.7 May'22 release or later
Package & Deployment Tools
PolicyStudio (recommended)
API Gateway/Manager topology (optional)
A.2.3. Execute Demo
$ git clone
$ cd yamles-utils
$ ./mvnw clean package
$ examples/cicd/bin/ - build and configure YAMLES archive
Usage: -e ENV [--debug]
-e ENV
Target environment (local, test or prod).
Enable debug messages
Configure API Manager for target environment and build
deployment archive.
$ export AXWAY_HOME="...path to Axway installation (e.g., /opt/Axway-7.7)..."
$ examples/cicd/bin/ -e test
On Windows, the script can be executed using Git Bash (MinGW). |
A.3. Changelog
A.3.1. Version 0.7.3
ID | Type | Description |
Enhancement |
File Geneator - create non-existing target directories |
Enhancement |
File Geneator - support base directory for source (templates) files |
Security Fix |
Parameter of |
A.3.2. Version 0.7.2
ID | Type | Description |
Fix |
Fix |
A.3.3. Version 0.7.1
ID | Type | Description |
Fix |
Fix build pipeline. |
Fix |
Fix json-path Out-of-bounds Write vulnerability. |
A.3.4. Version 0.7.0
ID | Type | Description |
Enhancement |
Generate Files. |
Enhancement |
Evaluate Expression.
Enhancement |
Lookup function to generate hashed ANM password. Example:
A.3.5. Version 0.6.0
ID | Type | Description |
Enhancement, Refactoring |
Lookup- and certificate providers as external plugins. External plugins are dynamically loaded if exists in the Each plugin includes all dependent classes and is loaded by a separate classloaders to avoid class version conflicts. |
Enhancement |
Support dry run and syntax check. New parameter
Enhancement |
New parameter The parameter New parameters The |
A.3.6. Version 0.5.0
ID | Type | Description |
Enhancement |
Add multiple certificates from keystore. |
Enhancement |
Lookup provider for AWS Secrets Manager ( The values of binary secrets are returned as a Base64 encoded string. |
Enhancement |
Combine feature of |
Enhancement |
Check certificate expiration. |
0 |
Refactoring |
Various refactoring to improve code quality and to prepare for future plugin support. |
A.3.7. Version 0.4.3
ID | Type | Description |
0 |
Fix |
Due to a bug private keys are not retrieved from a keystore. This is fixed now. |
A.3.8. Version 0.4.2
ID | Type | Description |
0 |
Fix |
Add STS component for AWS to enable service account authentication in EKS. |
A.3.9. Version 0.4.1
ID | Type | Description |
0 |
Fix |
Fix line endings for Maven wrapper. |
A.3.10. Version 0.4.0
ID | Type | Description |
0 |
Enhancement |
Lookup values from file content. |
0 |
Enhancement |
Provide Docker image to be used as an init container for K8s deployments. |
A.3.11. Version 0.3.0
ID | Type | Description |
0 |
Enhancement |
Add public certificates from files in DER (.crt) or PEM (.pem) format. |
A.3.12. Version 0.2.0
ID | Type | Description |
0 |
Enhancement |
Add support for plaintext secrets on AWS Secrets Manager (lookup provider: |
0 |
Breaking Change |
Lookup provider for JSON secrets on AWS Secrets Manager is renamed from |
0 |
Enhancement |
Keystore certificate provider enhanced:
0 |
Refactoring |
Refactor lookup providers. Now, lookup providers build specific lookup functions instead of handling lookups by them self. |
0 |
Enhancement |
Support usage of built-in and non-built-in lookup functions in lookup provider configuration. Lookup function must be defined before usage. |
A.3.13. Version 0.1.0
ID | Type | Description |
0 |
Enhancement |
After a complete redesign, this version provides a stable configuration format. |